close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Custom Query (81 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#429 Browsing tools for object inspector livan enhancement highest Interface
#473 error in edTableGeneric component livan defect highest Interface
#509 Log reload on Object Inspector -> Output livan defect highest Interface
#521 Insuficient description of built-in function SparseLinearRegression Jorge enhancement highest Math
#550 DBTableColumn function does not work Jorge defect highest Database
#551 TOLBase forget some configuration features after to close the session Jorge defect highest Interface
#571 Query don´t run in Tol Jorge defect highest DataBase
#581 Wrong including when including a project with IncludePrj Jorge defect highest Interface
#918 Extensión de paquetes a repositorios externos Jorge task highest TOL Packages Interface
#1102 Error en la ejecución de querys a Oracle 11g2 desde tol Jorge defect highest Mantainance Database
#1207 TolPackage: Update mechanisms sometimes hang TolBase Jorge defect highest Mantainance Kernel
#1469 Install default tol packages Jorge task highest Mantainance Kernel
#1640 TolBase: Linux problemas de arranque damartins defect highest Mantainance System
#1861 Contribs for Rtools + 64 bits Jorge task highest Mantainance Various
#1882 Sleep no funciona en TOL GNU de 32bits para Windows Jorge defect highest Mantainance Kernel
#460 problem after occulting a series line livan defect high Graphics
#465 some proposals of improvements for tables livan enhancement high Interface
#510 See "Object" Definition livan defect high Interface
#519 error when pussing the statistics button in a series chart Jorge defect high Graphics
#538 the function's help has disappeared Jorge defect high Interface
#569 Searching Jorge enhancement high Interface
#598 Chart and GCFFile livan defect high Graphics
#998 Escritura en el Log cuando Tol se cae Jorge defect high Mantainance Kernel
#1119 Function to obtain the TOL process memory usage Jorge enhancement high Mantainance System
#1130 Mejoras del inspector de objetos Jorge enhancement high Mantainance Interface
#1234 compile script for binary TolPackage Jorge task high TOL Packages Various
#1271 TolExcel segfault Jorge defect high Mantainance Excel API
#1326 missing port configuration in DBConnect Pedro Gea task high Mantainance Database
#1332 Write a primer on Redis Jorge task high TOL Packages System
#1547 Series concatenation Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Mantainance TimeAlgebra
#1618 API Rcluster CLARA diagnosis jsperez defect high Mantainance Kernel
#1619 Plot API Rcluster CLARA jsperez defect high Mantainance Kernel
#1695 Error en TextMatch Jorge defect high Mantainance Text
#1893 Native driver for embedded database SQLite Jorge task high TOL Extensions Database
#1921 Errores inesperados con ModelExcel Jorge defect high TOL Packages Various
#75 Some wrong utilities of Ctrl livan defect normal Interface
#111 A single quote in a remmark -> next remmark not in green livan defect normal Interface
#282 Gui Functions... livan defect normal Interface
#343 .prj files are not well formed to be readable by TOL livan defect normal Interface
#372 Set column types Jorge defect normal Interface
#381 DBTable function fails when accessing real fields of an Oracle92 table Jorge defect normal DataBase
#410 Find option doesn't work rigth livan defect normal Interface
#412 Crash if hit options twice in a graphic livan defect normal Graphics
#422 Right button on an named included file doesn`t work livan defect normal Interface
#466 some proposals of improvements for graphics livan enhancement normal Graphics
#477 Graphics: Double Vertical Axis livan enhancement normal Graphics
#487 Graph special set Jorge defect normal Graphics
#489 auto-save-recover Jorge enhancement normal Interface
#513 New function about LDLt transformation Jorge enhancement normal Math
#529 Include Fails with / Slash livan doubt normal Interface
#575 Matrix z(x,y) charts livan enhancement normal Graphics
#595 Partial Autocorrelation graphic extends too long livan defect normal Graphics
#770 A new frequence oriented profiler for TOL functions Jorge enhancement normal Mantainance Kernel
#1002 Problem in DBSeriesTable dealing with NULL Series Jorge defect normal Mantainance Database
#1078 El tipo character(n) de postgresql no es reconocido por TOL Jorge defect normal Mantainance Database
#1136 ARMA TolPackage fneto@… task normal TOL Packages Various
#1219 librería excel de Tol Jorge defect normal Mantainance Excel API
#1316 remplazar Jorge defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1490 Errata en la funcion Rglpk::solveLP Jorge defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1531 Fechas de fin de series en algunas funciones de stdlib -->_serie.tol josp@… defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1551 Tol es muy lento al exportar tablas a Excel Pedro Gea defect normal Mantainance Interface
#1620 API Rcluster como objeto jsperez defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1639 Algoritmos de evaluación de clustering Jorge defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1687 Error en TolGrid&TolBase Jorge defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1762 Error en la función TxtIsIntegerNumber jsperez defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1769 Error al lanzar una estimación en TOL en AWS jsperez defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#1780 R no encuentra los paquetes instalados en el library del usuario Jorge defect normal Mantainance R API
#1810 tol::info reference fails Jorge defect normal Mantainance Toltcl
#531 New API for partialLoad option in Ois.Load Víctor de Buen Remiro enhancement low TOL Extensions System
#979 Error in first sample in GibbsRectangleMNormal Jorge defect low Math
#1335 TolPackage: Error updating TolIpopt Víctor de Buen Remiro defect low TOL Packages Kernel
#1852 Archivos similares al eval.tol Jorge enhancement low Mantainance User config
#289 Editor Enhancement livan defect lowest Interface
#349 Problems selecting integral values from oracle database. Jorge defect lowest DataBase
#420 To be able to hide the Tol-Inspector with the Magnifying Glass button. livan enhancement lowest Graphics
#446 Duplicated functions Jorge defect lowest Math
#629 HIerarchical structure over non linear parameters of BSR Víctor de Buen Remiro task lowest BSR hierarchy and priors Math
#708 Comportamiento diferente en el acceso al campo fecha con el driver ODBC y con el driver nativo de PostGreSql. Jorge defect lowest Mantainance Database
#727 Read Only Members can be changed Víctor de Buen Remiro defect lowest OOP Implementation OOP
#835 Folder options in TOLBase installation in Windows Jorge enhancement lowest Various
#1526 Duda sobre Stop dentro del Eval josp@… defect lowest Mantainance Kernel
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.