close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Custom Query (484 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 484)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1934 falla install tolRlink ubuntu AWS new Pedro Gea defect highest Mantainance
#1935 Mejorar TComExcel new Víctor de Buen Remiro enhancement highest Mantainance
#1947 Crear paquete para RESTHeart new Jorge defect highest TOL Packages
#1948 Paquete RapidJSON accepted Jorge task highest Mantainance
#1954 Implementar paquete JSONRPC_Client accepted Jorge trick highest Mantainance
#1958 tolRlink: error al pasar argumento cadena new pedrogea@… defect highest Mantainance
#460 problem after occulting a series line assigned livan defect high
#465 some proposals of improvements for tables assigned livan enhancement high
#510 See "Object" Definition assigned livan defect high
#519 error when pussing the statistics button in a series chart assigned Jorge defect high
#538 the function's help has disappeared assigned Jorge defect high
#569 Searching assigned Jorge enhancement high
#593 DBSeriesColumn doesn't work with null new Jorge defect high
#598 Chart and GCFFile assigned livan defect high
#724 Fail in macro Embed combination reopened Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Mantainance
#799 Table function does not work reopened Jorge defect high Métodos de presentación gráfica ejecutables desde TOL
#821 tolversion as argument to RemoteTOL new Jorge task high Mantainance
#878 Posibilidades con TclChartSet new Jorge doubt high
#884 X-Axis TimeSet option does not work new Jorge defect high TOLBase Revitalization
#933 IconManager accepted Jorge task high TOLBase Revitalization
#955 GuiTools: Icons in contextual submenus are drawn badly new Jorge defect high
#963 control de eventos en MenuManager accepted Jorge enhancement high TOLBase Revitalization
#983 problemas con tipo de datos accepted Jorge defect high
#998 Escritura en el Log cuando Tol se cae assigned Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1022 Problema con tipo de dato Decimal (gestor Teradata) accepted Jorge defect high
#1024 fail in Bayes SQL accepted Jorge defect high TOLBase Revitalization
#1118 System function returning the answer accepted Pedro Gea enhancement high Mantainance
#1119 Function to obtain the TOL process memory usage assigned Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1130 Mejoras del inspector de objetos assigned Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1148 Visualización del nombre completo de miembros en la ventana de Info new Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1156 [TolExcel] Función indicadora de celdas vacías. new Jorge enhancement high TOL Packages
#1177 Mensajes de error estandarizados new Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1204 implemente a Waterfall Chart reopened Jorge task high TOLBase Revitalization
#1208 TOL no retorna los mensajes del gestor de base de datos new Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1213 ReadDate fails with ancient dates accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1216 ActivateWS and ActivateNamedWS only activate the first sheet accepted Jorge defect high TOL Packages
#1234 compile script for binary TolPackage assigned Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1244 delegar opciones de menu en miembros de instancia accepted Jorge enhancement high TOL Packages
#1250 GuiTools: Image combination new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1251 GuiTools: Image modification new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1266 contextual menu error new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1270 TolExcel fail creating excel file new Jorge defect high TOL Packages
#1271 TolExcel segfault assigned Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1278 [MWG] Modelo de regresión ARIMA normal new Víctor de Buen Remiro task high Metropolis Within Gibbs
#1279 [MWG] Tratamiento de omitidos new Víctor de Buen Remiro task high Metropolis Within Gibbs
#1284 Error en la función SetSer accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1285 error en rmtps_server accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1318 Start tolsh -server from RmtPsClient new Jorge task high Mantainance
#1325 Paralelización longitudinal de modelos de regresión bayesiana con muestras grandes new Víctor de Buen Remiro task high Técnicas de modelación
#1326 missing port configuration in DBConnect assigned Pedro Gea task high Mantainance
#1327 port in mysql native driver new Jorge task high Mantainance
#1330 Implement a Redis client for TOL accepted Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1331 TolExcel primer new Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high TOL Packages
#1332 Write a primer on Redis assigned Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1334 Provide tcllib as a TolPackage accepted Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1367 TolPackage GUI: Diseño del árbol de paquetes accepted Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1372 migrate @MenuDesc to MenuManager new Jorge task high Mantainance
#1374 fail loading IpoptCore.3.9 new Jorge defect high TOL Packages
#1382 improve wtree new Jorge task high Mantainance
#1384 legend in mapviewer accepted Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1385 select colors visually differents new Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1400 Proposal: RCluster package new Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1430 Interrupción de procesos TOL new Víctor de Buen Remiro task high Mantainance
#1443 Interfaz gráfica para editar configuraciones accepted Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1465 strange and random error in Tolbase (__gui_classof__) new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1467 GuiTool documentation accepted Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1480 aditional functions in MenuManager new Jorge task high TOL Packages
#1485 Botón de subir nivel en el inspector de objetos new Jorge enhancement high Mantainance
#1499 API for NOMAD blackbox optimization library new Víctor de Buen Remiro task high Numerical methods
#1501 Estimación de efectos aditivos en términos originales new Víctor de Buen Remiro enhancement high BSR extensions
#1520 enable/disable DefaultRequire at command line accepted Jorge task high Mantainance
#1530 Error al comprobar la versión de TOL accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1532 Rglpk::solveLP falla new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1537 Fallo al requerir un paquete no instalado new Pedro Gea defect high Mantainance
#1542 Construcción no estandar de paquetes new Pedro Gea defect high Mantainance
#1544 API Glpk nativa accepted Daniel Eduardo Castro Morell defect high TOL Packages
#1547 Series concatenation assigned Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Mantainance
#1578 Zero Inflated Poisson new Víctor de Buen Remiro doubt high Mantainance
#1599 Las estructuras usadas en el nuclero de tol deben estar en TolCore accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1605 Complete TclCore accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1618 API Rcluster CLARA diagnosis assigned jsperez defect high Mantainance
#1619 Plot API Rcluster CLARA assigned jsperez defect high Mantainance
#1623 Selección de la versión de TOL a usar en las TolMachine new Humberto Carralero defect high Mantainance
#1628 factorizar StdLib/data/db new Jorge enhancement high TOL Packages
#1631 editor de tolbase guarda en utf-8 en linux new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1649 Tolbase en Linux: Latin1 new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1653 [MapViewer] Mejoras de visualización reopened Jorge enhancement high TOL Packages
#1668 Utilidades para modelos probit y logit new Pedro Gea defect high Mantainance
#1672 Error cargando el paquete RmtPsClient new Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1673 Colección y cierre automático de tareas new Humberto Carralero defect high Mantainance
#1676 Administración de paquetes en TOLGrid new Humberto Carralero enhancement high Mantainance
#1679 Error paquete NonLinGloOpt.6.1 new Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Numerical methods
#1695 Error en TextMatch assigned Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1698 Corrupción de TimeSets accepted Pedro Gea defect high Mantainance
#1701 Explorar conjuntos de nameblocks con TolBase accepted Jorge defect high Mantainance
#1706 Exportar paquetes ha dejado de funcionar new Pedro Gea defect high Mantainance
#1707 Uso de RAM en TOL: Función Select new Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Mantainance
#1712 Uso de RAM en TOL: Redefinición de conjuntos new Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Mantainance
#1714 BysMcmc: Covarianzas en un nodo de observaciones accepted Pedro Gea defect high Mantainance
#1715 Facilitar el ploteo de las funciones IRF. new Jorge task high TOL Packages
1 2 3 4 5
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.