What is new in Tol 2.0.1
Here you can view a detailed report of all solved tickets.
- OOP: Object Oriented Programing
- TPR: TOL packages and repositories
- LoadDynLib: Dynamic linkage of C++ binary libraries
- CINT: Embeding interpreted C/C++ in TOL to speed some large cycles.
- #Embed: This macro is an alternative to function Include to avoid some problems using declarated Struct's as type of arguments. Function Include acts at "evaluation time", returning a Set, and so some parser status are not well defined. Macro #Embed is equivalent to C-C++ #Include, is to say, is the same that copy the text of embeded file in the caller file.
- Crashes: The number of fatal crashes has been reduced and when happen, system gives more information about the problem wich can be avoided or solved more easily.
- Memory leaks: Now TOL have almost none significative memory leak, even along large and complex process like bayesian simulations. The typical effect of these kind of problems was that memory consumption was growing until the top of the heap was reached.
- NameBlock: Solved some problems about copying and reassigning objects and members.
- TOLHOME : If there is an environment variable called TOLHOME it will be used as TOL
application data directory, instead of HOME/.tol in linux or APPDATA/tol. You can see
your current address at TOL global variable
Text TolAppDataPath
. (See more on ticket #1093) - TolConfigManager: TOL User Configuration Manager.
- PackArchive: Files and directories compression tools.
- CurlApi: An API for CURL, a tool for transferring data with URL syntax.
- TextEncoding: Converting between distinct encoding tables as LATIN1 and UTF8.
Handling with large or special TOL objects
- Indexed sets:
- New functions Append, Remove and Replace] to handle with indexed (or not) sets. (See more on ticket #1011)
- [source/tolp/OfficialTolArchiveNetwork/HashMap/HashMap.tol HashMap]: Handling and storing generic hashed mapping data using internal index by name features of set
- MatEncode: Encoding cualitative and cuantitive data using matrices
- MatQuery: Sorting, selecting and classifying matrix data.
- GraphTools Graph theory tools
Numerical methods
- Constrained real optimization with NonLinGloOpt and TolIpopt.
- MulVarFunAprox: Multivariant Interpolation and aproximation.
- MatQuery:
Satistical models
- BysSampler Generic bayesian sampling tools.
- Generalized linear weighted regressions with GrzLinModel (Normal, Poisson, ...) and QltvRespModel (Logit and Probit regressions).
- BysVecLinReg Bayesian Vectorial Linear Regression.
- BysMcmc: Bayesian Sparse Regression (BSR)
- Published as a package instead of inside StdLib
- Modular syntax to get faster and easier expressions of models, and preparing to pararell processing: #745
- Partial simulation, fixing and reloading parameters : #831, #951
- Enhancement of missing treatment : #759
- Internodal parameters : #810
- Hierarquical Probit models : #814
- Allowing ARMA factors with degree greater than 2 (experimental and not sufficiently tested): #762
- Allowing periodical delta polinomials: #996
Data tools
- OIS: Preparing for 64 bits
- Excel: Reading data from binary '.xls' workbooks with package TolExcel
- GIS: Writing Google Earth KML geographic data with GisTools::@KML.
- Public data packages: Updated and preprocessed public data ready to be used.
- GuiTools: Graphical User Interface tool automated for class instances programmed in TOL.
- @MenuDesc : Graphical contextual menus
- @MultiDimSelect: Multiple selection boxes
Last modified 14 years ago
Last modified on Mar 31, 2011, 9:07:59 AM