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Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#373 Object inspector can't remember the width of the columns rcsoto enhancement low Interface
#30 Draw more than one timeset with a calendar rcsoto enhancement normal Various
#35 PARSER ERROR danirus defect normal Kernel
#36 quotes have priority with respect to double slashes manuelb defect normal Interface
#47 mechanisms of compilation halting danirus enhancement normal Various
#49 LIKE function Víctor de Buen Remiro enhancement normal Text
#62 Problema de la funci� GibbsSampler Jorge enhancement normal Math
#63 Still problems on highlighting Javier Portugal enhancement normal Interface
#113 Bayes Editor: stranges movements with Alt + numeric keys rcsoto defect normal Interface
#119 checkear sintaxis no captura ciertos errores danirus defect normal Various
#135 Chart() Description don't say that the file is in gif format Jorge defect normal Various
#211 Differences between "snapshot" or "filed" graphics rcsoto defect normal Graphics
#235 Parsing problems with Matrix Literal declaration in a SetOfMatrix danirus defect normal Kernel
#278 Indentation rcsoto defect normal Interface
#279 Contextual menu on the left side of the inspector rcsoto defect normal Interface
#314 desactivate series of a graph rcsoto enhancement normal Graphics
#358 Strange behaviour when downloading series from database. Víctor de Buen Remiro defect normal DataBase
#365 Bars Graphic in two Y axis rcsoto defect normal Graphics
#6 Markers in graphs rcsoto enhancement high Graphics
#56 Enhancement of 'Show' danirus enhancement high Math
#516 TolBase 1.1.5 Installation Víctor de Buen Remiro defect highest Various
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.